Dementia Support

Caring for people with dementia or Alzheimer's can be challenging. 

There's a risk they can at some point start to 'walk about'. This may only be into the garden or street for a short time, but some people can get lost and go missing.

So planning ahead to keep them safe is really important.

What is the Herbert Protocol?

The Herbert Protocol is a form that carers, family or friends of a vulnerable person can fill in.

It contains a list of information to help the police if the person goes missing, including:

  • medication required
  • mobile numbers
  • places previously located
  • a recent photograph

Keeping a completed form saves the worry of trying to recall the information during the stressful time of someone going missing. It also saves time for the police, allowing the search to start sooner.

The initiative is named after George Herbert, a war veteran of the Normandy landings, who lived with dementia. He died whilst 'missing', trying to find his childhood home.

Dementia Connect

We have a new service in this area for patients, carer or family that need support living with Dementia

Dementia Connect, from Alzheimer's Society, is a new personalised dementia support service for anyone affected by dementia.

Dementia Connect Contact Details 

Dementia Advisers can help you find exactly what local support is best for you. They will listen to your needs and offer tailored information and advice and link you up with local professionals and services.

Find support near you | Alzheimer's Society (

Dementia Intensive Support Service (DISS)

The Dementia Intensive Support Service (DISS) supports individuals with a diagnosis or suspected diagnosis of dementia. Health and social care professionals, carers, family members and people living with dementia can all refer to the service.

There are now Dementia Intensive Support Service bases in Braintree, Chelmsford and Maldon, at:

  • Cherrytrees at St Peters Hospital, Maldon
  • The Gables, Braintree
  • The Crystal Centre at Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford

Staff working from each base link up with other local NHS services including mental health, GPs, emergency services and community provision, plus care homes, social care agencies and voluntary groups including the Alzheimer’s Society.

The Dementia Intensive Support Service bases each offers:

  • a 24-hour helpline – 01245 515313 
  • support and management for people in their locality with diagnosed dementia or suspected dementia
  • support in confirmations of dementia diagnosis, where clinically indicated, for people who are referred due to “suspected” dementia
  • management of those in crisis and an emergency response service which consists of an enhanced support service delivered at the person’s home
  • advice and guidance on the physical health needs of people living with dementia
  • support for individuals in care homes.

Access advice and crisis support

Call 01245 515313, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Make a referral

Call 01245 515313 Monday-Friday 9am to 7pm

Saturday and Sunday 9am to 5pm



 DISS Flyer.pdf

The Dengie D Caf

Dengie D Caf is a free service supporting anyone living in the wider community with Dementia or memory loss and their families, carers and friends.

We offer much needed support to carers and many activities such as:

  • seated exercise
  • refreshments and home-made cakes
  • singing for the brain
  • art and craft activities
  • quizzes and musical bingo
  • outings in summer months
  • games
  • gardening activities
  • advice, information and signposting to relevant agencies
  • bi-monthly dementia friendly local cinema screenings

We meet 3 x each month from 11am to 1pm and are a very informal and friendly group, led by volunteers who have all experienced dementia in their families.

All are welcome at any of our monthly sessions which are held as follows..

  • 1st Friday of every month 11am-1pm at Steeple Village Hall,1 Garden Fields, Steeple, CM0 7JY
  • 2nd Wednesday and 4th Thursday of every month 11am – 1pm at St. Cuthberts Hall, Western Road, Burnham on Crouch .CM0 8JA

More information, contact Karen on 07966 843186. Or e mail on

Why not visit our website to meet our volunteers, trustees and find out more

Dengie D Caf is a registered charity – Number 1614014