The Burnham Surgery


An Open Letter to Our Patients

Following the Announcement of The GP Survey Results 2024 we have voluntarily worked with NHS GP Improvement Programme to enhance patient experience and accessibilty.

This has resulted in our New Website and in the near future an addition to the ways a patient can contact the surgery team.

Click the link above to read an Open Letter from the partners to our patients.



Coming Soon Anima


Click on Image above to pre-register


For FAQ on Anima our upcoming Care Platform use link below



Pharmacist is giving patient their medication in a bottle

Pharmacy First

Patients can now get treatment for seven common conditions directly from their local pharmacy, without the need for a GP appointment or prescription.

Sore throat, Earache, Sinusitis, Infected Insect Bite, Shingles, Uncomplicated Urine infection in women, Impetigo - there are age and other stipulations to be considered prior to using the pharmacy.

Pharmacy First - getting the most from your pharmacist (

Local Pharmacies as well as larger providers support this service 

Get The Care You Need Quicker

Need help with your health? There are lots of ways to get the care you need quickly and easily.

Mid and South Essex ICB have set up a web page to support you




The NHS App gives you a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services. Download the NHS App on your smartphone or tablet via the Google play or App store. You can also access the same services in a web browser by logging in through the NHS website.


The minimum software version required to run the NHS app is changing on 3 February 2025.

 Following this date, the minimum operating system required to run the NHS app will be: Apple iOS 15 and above or Android version 8 and above

This means that devices running software versions lower than this will no longer be able to use the NHS app. This will affect people who use the following versions of iOS and Android operation systems:
 iOS 12     Android 6      Android 7

 These users will not be able to access the NHS App via the app on their phones and will need to access the NHS App via their web browser.

  Log in - NHS App Online

Injection being placed into cartoon virus

Covid 19 Spring 2025 and Left Over Seasonal Influenza Vaccines

We are starting to call over 75 years for Covid Spring 2025 - please check your email and Text messages.

Appointments start April 2025 please book an appointment with surgery.

We still have Over 65's injections - call reception or pop in to book your slot for an injection 

Child Missed School Vaccination call Childs Imms Team 0300 790 0597

During our Satruday Clinics we collected for Children in Need you raised £413 - congratulations

Health A to Z

Your complete guide to conditions, symptoms and treatments, including what to do and when to get help.

Medicines A to Z

Find out how your medicine works, how and when to take it, possible side effects and answers to your common questions.

Facebook Page

For other information both medical and social within Mid Essex


Burnham Surgery Essex Facebook Page


 Burnham Surgery is supporting research to improve understanding of people’s lives after they have been treated for cancer and think your views will make a difference.
All we need is for you to tell us about your life after treatment by completing a survey online, which you can do at your convenience.
To find out more and to take part in the survey, please click on the link below.